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Who we are

Impact investing pioneers

In 2009, the term "impact investing" was coined by the Monitor Institute - in 2011, Steinbeis Impact Investing was one of the pioneers in Germany to get started


Today we can look back on more than a decade of practical experience from many specific projects, investments and extended activities relating to investing for-profit with impact around the world - an expertise from which you can benefit today!


Through our trajectory, we have built up broad relevant networks to market partners in the impact investing ecosystem over the years, to which you have direct access through us - welcome to our impact investing network!


We are a company of the Steinbeis Group based in Stuttgart which has been synonymous with successful international know-how and technology transfer in almost a hundred countries for over sixty years.

Ferdinand von Steinbeis war ein Vorreiter der dualen Ausbildung und Verzahnung von Forschung und Praxis im 19. Jh.

Ferdinand von Steinbeis was a pioneer of dual training and the integration of research and practice in the 19th century.

Meet the team

Some of our transformation clients

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Our partner network

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